Artist Statement
Exhibited via a Live Trans-Reality Performance Event held simultaneously via Twitter streams, The Web, and geophysically at the Inspace Gallery as part of Inspace's 'No One Can Hear You Scream'/The Third International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling: '...the knitting 2gether of the #OutsideUrDoor synthetic/real-time action created through the @MrShamble, @Nozfera2 and @vvolfmaan characters via multiple projections/soundtrack/linked cues with geophysical audience participation [and those exclusively in the twittersphere] was marvellous. the [micro in more than 1 sense] narrative gradually unfolding in front of a live audience based in Scotland just mixed reality ftw:) this type of net-native work[ing] really extends + [weirdly] collapses so many conventions/distinctions.
Author's description from the website I [Love]_ E-Poetry
Exhibited via a Live Trans-Reality Performance Event held simultaneously via Twitter streams, The Web, and geophysically at the Inspace Gallery as part of Inspace's 'No One Can Hear You Scream'/The Third International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling: '...the knitting 2gether of the #OutsideUrDoor synthetic/real-time action created through the @MrShamble, @Nozfera2 and @vvolfmaan characters via multiple projections/soundtrack/linked cues with geophysical audience participation [and those exclusively in the twittersphere] was marvellous. the [micro in more than 1 sense] narrative gradually unfolding in front of a live audience based in Scotland just mixed reality ftw:) this type of net-native work[ing] really extends + [weirdly] collapses so many conventions/distinctions.
Author's description from the website I [Love]_ E-Poetry
Breeze, Mez
Copyright Mez Breeze. The copyright of images posted on the ADELTA Website belongs to third parties and is included on this website by permission from copyright holders. Apart from any use permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (including fair dealing) the images may not be downloaded, adapted, remixed, printed, emailed, stored in a cache or otherwise reproduced without the written permission from the copyright holder.
Breeze, Mez, “#OutsideUrDoor,” ADELTA, accessed February 10, 2025, https://adelta.westernsydney.edu.au/items/show/11.