The Adventures of i
This narrative 'cyberpoem' started in 1995 with the goal of developing into a lengthy 'soapie' about the life of i. The project obviously didn't go on for a long time, though the 18 webisodes plus two alternate guest webisodes collected here are a testament to an ingenious exploration of the narrative potential of animated Concrete Poetry. Each piece is an ingenious animated GIF that illustrates and comments upon a moment in the early life of a character named i. The personification of the typographical character i and the transformation of other words into objects that i explores and interacts with truly exemplifies the Noigandres group's description of Concrete Poetry as 'tension of things-words in space-time.'
Excerpt of Leonardo Flores' description, I love E-Poetry
Excerpt of Leonardo Flores' description, I love E-Poetry
Artist Statement
This piece is a narrative cyberpoem which i first began working on in 1995 for my cyberpoetry CD-ROMs. That version, called "reality is a construct" was created in logo-motion in 3D and ran for seven minutes. This version, because of different connection speeds, different browsers, different hosts, etc., has to be restricted to animated gifs and whatever comes packaged with Netscape 3.
Source of Artist Statement
This piece is a narrative cyberpoem which i first began working on in 1995 for my cyberpoetry CD-ROMs. That version, called "reality is a construct" was created in logo-motion in 3D and ran for seven minutes. This version, because of different connection speeds, different browsers, different hosts, etc., has to be restricted to animated gifs and whatever comes packaged with Netscape 3.
Source of Artist Statement
Zervos, Komninos
Copyright Komninos Zervos. The copyright of images posted on the ADELTA Website belongs to third parties and is included on this website by permission from copyright holders. Apart from any use permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (including fair dealing) the images may not be downloaded, adapted, remixed, printed, emailed, stored in a cache or otherwise reproduced without the written permission from the copyright holder.
Web based digital poetry
gif animation
Zervos, Komninos, “The Adventures of i,” ADELTA, accessed March 9, 2025,