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  • Tags: Interactive

Artist StatementPassage Sets is a generative visual poem. It includes an interactive poem generator. The users of the system can position themselves in front of the screen and select words and/or phrases from four lists that become visual as they…
Artist StatementBystander is an immersive environment composed of photographs, sequences of short text, and musical patterns that all knit together to conjure haunting moods and stories for a large, darkened gallery space. The images, texts and sound…
This multimedia poem gives a voice to a body and mind imagined through computational conditions. Mary Anne Breeze / Mez / Netwurker has developed a language practice known as mezangelle, which she uses in this poem to create a cyborg lyric voice. The…
This narrative poem is arranged on a darkly atmospheric virtual world designed to both creep you out and pull you in through curiosity. Like the proverbial moth, the reader's attention is drawn towards the brightest things around: white words float…
This work is inspired by the real-time events triggered by a fatal shooting incident in MIT and a manhunt for suspects allegedly involved in the Boston Marathon bombings as reported through social media, particularly Twitter.Excerpt from Leonardo…
Artist ][][_ is a "netwurk repository" that's been in operation since 2003. these "wurks" r inscribed using the infamous polysemic language system termed _mezangelle_. this language evolved/s from multifarious…